Monday, January 9, 2012

Rite a Riff: Ode to Snow

Although a majority of my fast writes are done on my blog, I do have a few that are in my journal that were either written before I had my blog or were a little too personal for a public blog. There WAS a poem that I had written titled Ode to Snow that isn't horrible, however. And since it's rare that I even attempt to write poems, I thought it would be a good piece to post online.

Ode to Snow

The way the sun shines
On freshly fallen snow.
It shines,
And lights up the ground.

The way the snowflakes fall
On the frozen ground.
It falls,
All over.

Sliding all over the place,
On the way to school.
In a vehicle--
Without studded tires.

Gliding gracefully on the snow,
On skis.
The snow is illuminated--
By the sun.

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