Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Quick Write: Disatvantages to Blog Quick Writes

Well looking back at the quarter -- I sort of regret the number of quick writes I did on my blog. Ironically, the first blog quick write I did was comparing and contrasting typing with handwriting. The reason I chose do to quick writes on my blog in the first place was because I can type faster than I can write and can, thus, get my thoughts down faster. I'm more efficient typing and can get a quick-write done much faster online. Also, I can listen to music easily when I'm on my blog -- I'll just plug my headphones in and listen to iTunes. Also, I received less points for journal pages by doing quick writes on my computer. If I did everything in my journal, I would have a considerably greater amount of points. If we continue to do fast writes in the new semester, I will attempt to do more quick writes in my journal.

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