Monday, January 9, 2012

Now What?

It’s been another quarter. Now, I’m almost halfway done with my junior year. It’s quite scary and exciting at the same time to think that in just one-and a half-more years, I’ll be in college. A lot has happened over this quarter in and, obviously, out of creative writing. What’s next for this class?
As much as I’ll miss Mr. Good, I’m excited to begin a new semester with Mr. D and think he will be a great replacement. It should be a fun rest of the year. It sounds like I’ll be dealing with a fair amount of music in the new year, as Mr. D has already told me about several artists I haven’t heard of before. I’m sure plenty of neat assignments and events will be assigned with the new year as well. And I’m sure I’ll start writing about summer activities as well.
I hope in the new semester that I will get to listen to and write about music fairly frequently because when it comes to writing that’s what I really like writing about. I don’t JUST want to get stuck on music, however. I also like writing short stories, fictional normally. In eighth grade, I wrote this VERY long short story, and wouldn’t be opposed to doing something like that again.
Either way, I think the new semester should be fun and exciting. I think I’m ready to move on into the next chapter.

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