Monday, January 9, 2012

Quick Write: What Would I Teach?

If I were a teacher, what I would want to teach is rather a no-brainer for me. I would be a music teacher. I really enjoy playing music and already play a variety of instruments, so the position would be a good fit for me. Being a band teacher, I'm assuming, would be a pretty fun and rewarding job. You spend the day making (hopefully) good music, and don't have to worry about grading papers or anything afterwards.
Of all the band classes, jazz band would be the most fun to teach in my opinion. It's a really laid back class. Everyone usually has a great groove going on in a song and as a result you don't need a conductor. You only really need to critique and listen to them.
Of course teaching a concert band class wouldn't be the worst thing either. It is pretty challenging and difficult to be a conductor. But there's also drawbacks to that. You are much more stressed in a class like that because you are often the only thing keeping the band from messing up and having to stop the song. I also know from experience that it is often very difficult to have everyone stop talking and get ready in a big band, which I have seen drive conductors crazy.
Still, it would be a good job and it would probably be a job that I wouldn't fear going to every day.

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