Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Quick Write: Me and Poetry

Me and poetry... they don't mix. At all. Looking back at every year of schooling, my least favorite thing is poetry. It's just not much fun. I don't think that way, and I don't get anything out of poetry. People who like poetry say it helps them and all that stuff, but I just don't get it.
Music is a great example. I get a LOT out of the actual music i.e. the instruments, melodies, composure, all that great stuff. I DON'T pay attention to lyrics. That's probably why I don't get the geniuses of John Lennon or Bob Dylan. They were geniuses with words and it was a big part of their music.
I Like reading, but reading between the lines is something that I don't like to do. If i'm reading a book, I enjoy the ride and read a book like I would watch a movie. But I don't try to decipher every little subtle meaning.
Sometimes I think that English teachers try to look too much into books. Like a character will say "You're Welcome." The teacher might say that the character is welcoming bits of his conscious and fears, etc. When it's really not what's going on. It is ofter infuriating.
Luckily I'll probably have only 1 1/2 more years where I have to do poetry then I can be done forever.

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