Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Quick Write: Did you Know?

In Creative Writing, we just watched a video called "Did you Know?" it had about fifty different, and a little random, figures ranging from the number of internet devices to the population of China. After watching it, you have to wonder, "is life getting better, or worse?" On one side, you have innovation. Every year new advancements are made in the fields of cars, computers, and phones that didn't even seem conceivable a few years prior.
On the other side, however, you see all the issues we face as a species, some of which many people (especially Americans) choose to ignore. First off, there is the amazing amount of corporate greed and political corruption that goes on in every country. And then there's all the poverty, hunger, and suffering that goes on in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Many regions are plagued by droughts, wars, etc. quite frequently, all while we get to sit here and have everything handed to us on a silver platter (not entirely true, but you should understand what I'm getting at).
I'm not trying to sound really depressing, and there are plenty of GOOD things that are going to nowadays too. All i'm trying to get at is that we should be watchful about what we're doing and not remain completely ignorant about the goings on of the rest of the world.

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